Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday 09 October

Today I met with everyone individually to give some feedback on the education essays. While I was doing that, everyone else started their research for the writing assessments (which may have just been a case of thinking through various ideas). I also asked students to read my comments on the blog (posted earlier today) on the education essays. In particular, look at the comment on SEC (you'll need to read the post to work out what this is).


Dieca said...

What a great blog Jerry!!
I have become addicted to reading it every week and I often wish I was in your class, it sounds so interesting.
I also like the way the students are reacting to it and their comments, although there could be more.... but I know they are very busy.
I loved the quote by Thomas Carruthers about how being a good teacher is becoming unncessary. I have advocated that for years, much to the shock and outrage of many of my colleagues. I remember once, giving a talk about the forthcoming introduction of the new Highers I said that I worked really hard to make sure my students didn't need me and some people walked out in protest!
It is great to see such good reflection on your teaching and I am sure it is encouraging the students to become reflective learners themselves.
So, keep it up! I'm reading!

becoming and transforming - test said...

Thanks for the positive comments Dieca. If we had more access to computers there might be more dialogue.