Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reflective essay

As we come to the end of the course I'd like everyone to write a short reflective essay which looks back and evaluates the experiences of the last year. It seems like a long time ago since we all met up outside the Scottish Parliament. We've covered a lot of ground since then, and, I hope learned something along the way.

You can use the following structure to help put your essay together:

- Introduction – motivation and expectations
- Positive experiences
- How course could be improved
- Evaluation of your own performance
- Conclusion – what you have learned

If you don't mind others reading what you have to say (and this would be useful), you can post it as a response to this blog entry. Otherwise you can type it and email it to me. Or, even hand write it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Poetry and music evening

Thanks to everyone who was involved in the poetry and music performance in the Music Box. I thought that it was a beautiful synthesis of words and music.

Of course, no one needed to do this. It was not required for any assessments or courses. However, for me, this is what makes these events even more valuable and memorable.

If I get a copy of the video, I'll post it here. Watch this space ....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Running order for presentations

14 May


21 May

Pawel (two presentations - analysis and informative talks on camera obscura)

Mend (informative/instructional ... something on the European elections)

Simon (Bruce Lee - informative presentation)

Vesela (A guide to Kazanlak)

Marietta (Colour Reading)

28 May

Nadine (analysis of historical figure - Che Guevera - ties in with Evan's unit)

Emily (A Guide to Warsaw)

Vesela (analysis of historical issue - ties in with Evan's unit)

4 June

Emily (The Warsaw Uprising: what was it and why did it fail?)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Change of classroom

From Thursday the 14th of May we will be in room 126 (first floor). I'd appreciate if you'd spread the word.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dublin student exposes sloppy journalism

We've talked a bit about the uses and abuses of Wikipedia. Follow the link below and read about a Dublin student's attempt to subvert the authority of the world's press: